Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I love monday

This week I should make research presentation in Lab. But I must repeat data with the new method. Since the flowmeter was used by the other post doc, I should wait for one week. When I want to measure today, there is a problem with the mixer machine and computer. It take a long time to resolve the problem.
Today is Monday, ayahkun has a meeting lab at 6 pm. When the problem resolved its already 3.30 pm. I am in hurry to do the experiment. Suddenly, hoikuen called me, said that Rayhankun has a fever. Finally I decided to postpone the experiment and take him from the hoikuen.
Although Rayhankun has a fever, but he still very active and move around in hoikuen. We arrived at home and he directly fall a sleep. Only 30 minutes until he woke up again because feel so hungry. Fortunately, bunda finished a dinner when he woke up. Rayhan cried without stop. I think he is hungry. Let's dinner Rayhankun.

Habis makan, bunda tinggal beres2. Rayhan disetelin upin ipin dan juga dipegangin senbei. Wah akhirnya kerjaan kelar dan saatnya tidur Rayhankun. Kitapun tertidur sampai jam 9 malam sampai ayah pulang (Rayhan sih masih tidur waktu bunda tinggal ngelab lagi). Sampai lab ngidupin stopflow lagi. But another problem come again. Intensitas gak bisa mencapai yang diinginkan. Nunggu guru kecil datang, akhirnya diutak2 atik gak bisa juga. Guru besar lewat, hiks...akhirnya diutak2 tetep aja gak bisa. Guru besar nyerah he he... Akhirnya setelah kita mau mutusin pake intesitas apa adanya, setelah diutak2 lagi bisa juga. Alhamdulillah. Bundapun bisa eksperimen dengan tenang. Semoga hasilnya juga gak mengecewakan.
Ups mau analisis data dulu deh, sambil ngopi2 he he.....

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